The principal way of helping us is to donate food and household supplies to us on a regular basis. We totally rely on such donations.
We accept packaged, tinned and dried items and these are the ESSENTIALS WE NEED EVERY WEEK:

- Tinned Tomatoes
- Jam or similar
- Sauces for pasta or rice meals
- Tinned Vegetables
- Tinned or Packet Soups
- Tinned Meat
- Tinned Fruit
- Tinned Spaghetti
- Baked Beans
- Biscuits
- Tinned Fish
- Cereals
- Rice – preferably microwave rice
- Pasta
- Rice Pudding
- Tinned Custard
- Long life Milk
- Teabags
- Instant Coffee
- Hot Chocolate
- Sugar
- Treats such as crisps, chocolate, ‘pop’ and sweets
- Flour
- Juice or Squash
- Sauces
- Cooking oil, condiments, stock cubes and gravy granules
- Cleaning Products such as washing up liquid, laundry detergent and bleach
- Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
- Toiletries
- Toilet Rolls
- Feminine Hygiene products
No thanks!
There are some things we cannot accept such as alcohol, coffee beans, loose leaf tea, pet food, out of date/opened/damaged items and non-food items of any nature, except toiletries and cleaning products as listed above
Donations can be made in Ilkley at Booths, Tesco and Co-Op

Support us financially
It’s also possible to support us with financial donations. We raise money to buy food and maintain the shop. For example, if certain stocks are low, we will purchase more to replenish supplies.
None of the funds raised are used for the payment of office holders.
Please send cheques, made payable to ‘Ilkley Foodbank’ to: The Treasurer, Ilkley Foodbank, 4 Church Street, Ilkley LS29 9DS.
If you would prefer to pay by bank transfer, please ask for details via the same address, or by e-mail to
If you are a UK tax payer, and would like to increase the value of your gift through Gift Aid, please also ask for the appropriate form.